Empowering career educators

Helping our members equip young people for a successful transition from education to employment

The benefits of becoming a CATE member


Representation and Advocacy

The CATE Executive consults and listens to their members.

Their role is to advocate on your behalf to lobby for ongoing improvement of career education in New Zealand schools. National representation at MOE/TEC level to effect change.



Build your networks both regionally and nationally. Mentee and mentor opportunities to support members in their role.


Access career education resources and tools through “members’ section.


A frequent newsletter from the Kaiārahi and regular newsletters from the President of CATE NZ.



Shared resources, ideas. best practice case studies on the CATE NZ website. Opportunity for you to share your successes.


Connect with each other and keep up dated on the latest developments in Career Education.

Membership Association

Close working relationship with other professional bodies such as CDANZ and CDAA (Australia).


Professional Development

Professional Development opportunities through Cate regional meetings and workshops, national Kaiārahi workshops and the annual CATE conference.

We advocate on behalf of members

We are proud to be a link with government organisations on behalf of our members.

We recently hosted an online Gateway Conference that focused on the professional development of Gateway staff in schools. Following this conference, we had several follow up questions for the TEC, and this was the response we received. We are also asking members who work in Gateway to provide us some feedback on pay rates in the industry by completing this form.

Upcoming Events


Hosting a Careers Event?

Please inform us if you are organising an event which could be of benefit to Career Advisors and/or Gateway Coordinators in NZ secondary schools.