Events Calendar
Hosting an Event?
Please inform us if you are organising an event which could be of benefit to Career Advisors and/or Gateway Coordinators in NZ secondary schools.
Experience Queenstown Resort College!
Queenstown Resort College 7 Coronation Drive, QueenstownIf you have students who are interested in the tourism and hospitality industry but would like to experience what it’s all about before they decide, let them know about our up coming Experience QRC events happen in the April, July and October school holidays. Three days of jam-packed activities in Queenstown where they can experience…
CareerSmart online assessment training
Honour your background – Imagine your future. Whakahonoretia to papamuri – Whakaarohia to heke mai. CareerSmart is an online career assessment that helps students imagine a world they would want to work in. It encourages agency and a sense that they can make a positive contribution – within the context of their own reality. This…
CareerSmart online assessment licensing
CareerSmart is a well-researched and structured online career assessment designed specifically for students. For more information about the assessment click here; The licensing training is 2.5hrs on Zoom and covers the research that sits behind the assessment, how to use and administer the assessment, and the management of your own private assessment portal.
Careers Expo 2022 – Wellington
TSB Arena, Wellington Wellington, New ZealandEach year hundreds of teachers bring tens of thousands of students to attend the Careers Expo throughout the country, taking advantage of the opportunity for their students to talk face to face with the widest range of employers, industry, government departments, and training providers. In addition to the event, the Expo provides teachers with valuable…
New Zealand College of Chiropractic Open Day
New Zealand College of Chiropractic 6 Harrison Rd, Mount Wellington, Auckland, New ZealandOpen days are an opportunity for prospective students and their friends and families to learn more about a career in chiropractic and find out what it’s like to study at the New Zealand College of Chiropractic. What you can look forward to: - Learn about chiropractic and how it works - Find out all you…
Careers Expo 2022 – Christchurch
CHCH Arena , New ZealandEach year hundreds of teachers bring tens of thousands of students to attend the Careers Expo throughout the country, taking advantage of the opportunity for their students to talk face to face with the widest range of employers, industry, government departments, and training providers. In addition to the event, the Expo provides teachers with valuable…
Aotearoa Youth Employability Conference 2022
Regional Hubs and Online , New Zealandhe Online Aotearoa Youth Employability Conference 2022 – Uniting for Change will be held on Thursday 26th May, 9 am – 4 pm. The cost is $25 per person This conference would be valuable for Gateway Teachers, Coordinators as well as Career Advisors. The focus is on employability skills and includes the following presentations: - Tomorrow’s Skills – Re-imagining…
Rotorua Energy Events Centre Queen's Drive, Government Gardens, RotoruaThis annual event brings together the largest group of employers, community groups and education and training providers in the Waiariki district. Access is free to the public as well as organised school groups.
Kaiārahi Workshop – Hawkes Bay
This Kaiārahi workshop looks at a number of approaches to career conversations including Solution Focused Career Practice, Narrative Approach, Motivational Interviewing, Challenge and Reflective Questioning. Included in the workshop will be tools to assist Career Advisors and Gateway Coordinators and resources to support parents in having career conversations with their young person. Venue and registration…
Careers Expo 2022 – Dunedin
Dunedin Town HallEach year hundreds of teachers bring tens of thousands of students to attend the Careers Expo throughout the country, taking advantage of the opportunity for their students to talk face to face with the widest range of employers, industry, government departments, and training providers. In addition to the event, the Expo provides teachers with valuable…
CareerSmart online assessment training
Online , New ZealandA student who chooses a career or a job they love is able to make a real contribution to their work and to society. CareerEQ exists to help this be a reality for everyone by providing affordable online career assessments to support that journey. CareerSmart is tailored to improve outcomes for your students because it…