Parsons Model - the beginning of a structured approach to Careers Education (see McMahon & Patton Assessment: A Continuum of Practice and a New Location in Career Counselling)


First official recognition of Vocational Guidance in N Z schools by the Department of Education


There were 265 Careers Advisers, and 53 Guidance counsellors who were also responsible for careers advising for their gender


In 1981 the 'Careers in Education' in Secondary Schools was published. The idea of forming an association was discussed. The Scott report raised concerns about young Maori(especially males) leaving school early without a career plan. A Transition Education division of the EducationDepartment was formed. 


In 1986 the Transition Education Association of Aotearoa was set up at the Lincoln Conference. The Executive was made up of two representatives from each region, of which one was Māori. The regions were fewer and bigger. Meeting were held on Marae.


Tomorrow Schools devolved decision making from the Department of Education to the schools and hence the removal of targeted funding for Transition Education. Funding was shared with Guidance Counsellors and the power shifted to the principals away from Careers. 


First official recognition of Vocational Guidance in NZ schools by the Department of Education. The Transition and Education Association of Aotearoa became Careers and Transition Educators Association. National Education Guidelines were established and ERO began reviews in Transition Education


The Career and Information Grant begins (CIG) but is untagged. More students are returning to Form 7/Year 13 who were not suited to university. LINK morphed into STAR (Secondary Tertiary Alignment Resource). Career Education was included in the National Administration Guidelines.


In 2002 Gateway starts. 2005 Careers New Zealand piloted 'Designing Careers' which focused on learning and career planning for Year 10 students and individual career guidance for students at risk of poor outcomes in Years 11, 12 and 13. CPaBL - Creating Pathways and this programme, schools were encouraged to take a whole school approach to career education. In 2009 the New Zealand Career and Guidance in Schools was produced by the Ministry of Education.


In 2017 Careers New Zealand became part of the TEC, it was described as a "lift and shift". The Careers NZ website was all that remained. A National Careers System Strategy was released in 2019 and included support for secondary schools with the promise of a Career Action Plan. The Inspiring Futures programme is piloted in in primary schools. Network of Expertise funding for CATE NZ and the appointment of the Kaiārahi in November 2019.